The template of presentation can be downloaded by clicking here. ICSDC'17 Presentation Template.
The authors of the selected papers will be asked to submit a full paper for peer review. The conference abstract book and proceeding will also be published. If author is willing to present his paper only and does not want to publish his paper in conference proceedings he has to clearly mention while submitting the abstract.
The abstract template can be downloaded by clicking here. ICSDC'17 Abstract Paper Template.
The submission is realized via the Easy Chair conference page.
Note: If you are using the easy chair system first time, you need to obtain an account here.
Information about Easy Chair is given here.
You are invited to submit the full paper (6-8 pages). Papers reporting original and unpublished research results are solicited. Submissions must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere while being evaluated for this conference. Submission of papers should be regarded as a commitment such that, if accepted, at least one author of the paper will register and attend the conference; otherwise it will not be published in proceedings.
When submitting papers for International Conference On Sustainable Development in Civil Engineering 2017, please submit an original editable file in (.docx) style and send to email address: [email protected] with subject [Paper ID: Number]. You are further requested convert same file in (.pdf) format and upload through Easychair. All figures, images, tables, etc., should be embedded into the original file. Detailed instructions on preparing papers for submission can be found in the ICSDC'17 Template Full Paper.