ICSDC-2019 Proceedings Volume-I

© Copyright Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan
The contents of each paper are the sole responsibility of its author(s); author were responsible to ensure that permissions were obtained as appropriate for the material presented in their articles, and the compiled with anti-plagiarism policy.
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To cite a paper published in these conference proceedings, please substitute the highlighted sections of the reference below with the details of the article you are referring to:
Author(s) Surname, Author(s) Initial(s), 2019. 'Title of paper'. In: Azeem Panhwar. ed., Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Development in Civil Engineering, December 05-07, 2019, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan: Paper ID: ICSDC_2019_paper_XX. Available from: icsdc.muet.edu.pk/proceedings .
ISBN Number: 978-969-7710-03-4
Published on: 20-02-2020
Table of Content
Prof. Dr. Tauha Hussain Ali
Prof. Dr. Khan Muhammad Brohi
Prof. Dr. Aneel Kumar
Prof. Dr. Nafees Ahmed Memon
Prof. Dr. Ashfaque Ahmed Memon
Dr. Sheeraz Ahmed Memon
Dr. Muhammad Safar Korai
Engr. Maryam Arain
Engr. Anees Vighio
Engr. Rehan Hakro
Mehran University of Engineering and Technology (MUET) is an ISO-9001 certified institute that has been active in 20 domains of engineering constituting 31 departments, institutes, directorates offering courses in undergraduate and postgraduate studies since 1963. It is emerging as one of the leading universities of the country ranked by Higher Education Commission and Pakistan Engineering Council. The university has academic alliance with leading universities around the globe, and industrial collaboration with various establishments across the country.
In order to provide a platform to all the collaborators coming from academic organizations, policy makers, public and private institutes to discuss their technical and general issues, Mehran UET organizes conferences, workshops and seminars regularly. In this framework, Department of Civil Engineering and Institute of Environmental Engineering & Management hosted “2nd International Conference on Sustainable Development in Civil Engineering” (ICSDC-2019), which was held in Mehran UET, Jamshoro, Pakistan during December 05-07, 2019.
The Department of Civil Engineering is one of the oldest and largest department of the University, which has produced tens of thousands of engineers working diligently in various academia and industrial sectors. It aims to produce top-level engineers who maintain the integrity and glory of their profession.
The aim of ICSDC-2019 is to provide sustainable platform to present and discuss all the latest research and scientific results on various disciplines of Civil and Environmental Engineering, i.e. Structural Engineering, Geo-technical Engineering, Water and wastewater Treatment Technologies, Construction Management, Solid Waste Management, Green Energy Technology etc. This conference provided opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and experiences to establish research and business relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.
ICSDC-2019 has been triumphant in attracted participants from public and private universities, organizations and industries of Pakistan as well as national and international keynote speakers from around the globe.
The organizing committee of the “2nd International Conference on Sustainable Development in Civil Engineering 2019 acknowledges the collaboration and support of the Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF), Bahria Town, Karachi, Omni Power (Pvt.) Ltd., M/S Palm, Builders and Developers, and other sponsors.
The active participation of the National and International keynote speakers, authors and participants is highly appreciable who made the event eminent.
Also acknowledge the efforts of following individuals which were involved in composing, editing and printing of this publication.
Mr. Azeem Panhwar (Conference Co-Secretary)
Engr. Kundan Kumar
Engr. Zaid Khan
Engr. Shahbaz Sangrasi
Mr. Akhund Shoaib
High gratitude for rigorous efforts of conference organizing committees
Name | Title | Page No. |
Prof. Dr. Ehsanullah Kakar BUET, Khuzdar, Pakistan | Assessment of Utilizing Marble Stone Dust and Wood Saw Dust as Partial Replacement for Cement and Sand in Concrete | 12 |
Prof. Dr. Bashir Alam UET, Peshawar, Pakistan | Role Of Civil Engineering In Reshaping Societies And Economies | 13 |
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf Tanoli GIK Institute, Topi, KPK, Pakistan | Sustainable Evolution of Concrete in Construction Industry | 14 |
Prof. Dr. Habib Ur Rehman, UET, Lahore, Pakistan | Impact of Climate Change on flows of Rawal Dam | 15 |
Engr. Naseer Memon GM, CSR, Engro Power Gen Ltd. Sindh, Pakistan | Paving the way towards sustainable world. | 16 |
Dr. Kiran Farhan Al-Jazari Academy, Punjab, Pakistan | Waste Amount Survey and Physio-Chemical Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Generated in Gujranwala-Pakistan | 17 |
Prof. Dr. Abdul Jabbar Sangi NED University, Karachi, Pakistan | Reinforced Concrete Structures Under Impact Loads and Effects on Overall Foundations | 18 |
Dr. Zainab Riaz Suleman Dawood School of Business, Lahore, Pakistan | Transformation of Construction Industry through Digital Technology | 19 |
Dr. Salah Ud din BUET, Khuzdar, Pakistan | Behaviour of Fibre Reinforced Cemented Sand at High Pressures | 20 |
ICSDC-2019 Proceedings Volume-II
Table of Content
Paper I.D. | Paper Title | Page No. |
31 | Correlations Between Relative Density And Compaction Test Parameters | 106 |
179 | Parametric Study of Pile Raft Foundation System | 113 |
261 | Characterization Of Indigenous Bentonite As A Potential Drilling Mud | 121 |
Paper I.D. | Paper Title | Page No. |
160 | Strategies to follow for making a Building Green | 128 |
Paper I.D. | Paper Title | Page No. |
196 | Effect of Waste Polyethylene bags on Bitumen and Asphalt | 131 |
Paper I.D. | Paper Title | Page No. |
49 | Study of RCC Beams Damaged by Fire | 138 |