hacklink panel hacklink al hacklink hacklink  Authors Guidelines – ICSDC2023


Abstract/Full Paper Submission:

The submission of work must implies that similar work has not been published or is under publishing anywhere. The author(s) must ensure that Abstract/Full Paper is submitted in the given template of conference. However, if paper is accepted for publication in HEC Recognized journal, a separate template may be provided. The submitted paper must ensure sufficient quality and consensus amongst all authors should be taken before submission.

Online Submission:

The submission is realized via the Easy Chair conference page. Any submission other than easychair account would not be considered. The step by step process of paper submission via easychair can be referred here [Submission Process].

Author Information:

All authors are advised to clearly mention their name, affiliation, and addresses. One author should be designated as corresponding author. The change of authorship is not advisable; however, the final decision on changes of authorship would be sole authority of editorial team.

Statements and Declarations

Authors are advised to disclose if there is any competing or conflicting interest with any individual or any organization. In case if there is no such interest, the author should clearly mention that “the authors have no competing or conflicting interest with any individual or any organization”.


This conference has strict policy on author ethics. Please read our Author Ethics as mentioned in the picture.


Authors are advised to acknowledge individual, grants, funds etc.

Full Paper Formatting Guidelines

  • Paper must be formatted in single spacing and single column format. It is recommended to use Times New Roman font style. The font size varies in different headings. Follow the provided template for more information. Further, the editorial team retains the right to modify the template as per requirement.
  • The First Page should include following information:
    • Full Title of paper (must be concise)
    • Full names and Affiliation of all authors
    • Email address of corresponding author.
    • Abstract up to 250 words (without abbreviations), and maximum of 6 keywords.
  •  Main Body of paper should comprise at least on Introduction, Research Method/methodology, Data collection & Analysis, Discussion, Conclusion & References.

Text Formatting

  • It is recommended to use normal, plain font in Times New Roman.
  • All pages should be assigned Page Number at bottom right corner.
  • Use equation editor in case of any equation.


  • The headings should not comprises more than Three levels


  • All tables should be numbered numerically (Arabic numbers).
  • All tables must be cited in the text as well. Avoid tables if similar data is explained in the text.
  • Each table should supply exclusive caption on the top.
  • Screen shot of Table(s) is strictly not allowed.


  • Supply Figure(s) in high resolution.
  • Screen shots of Figure(s) should be avoided, and references must be provided if author(s) uses the figure from previously published work (in certain cases permission may also be required).
  • All Figure(s) must be numbered (Arabic numbers), and should be cited in the text.
  • Each Figure should have different caption, written at the bottom of Figure.


  • All references must be cited in the text and also a list of references must be provided at the end. The conference has strict policy on reference management. Any unpublished work should not be cited. The conference follows IEEE referencing style, preferable in any suitable reference manager software.

In-Text Citation

  • All citations should be mentioned in a square bracket such as [1], [2,3], [2&4], [2-5]. A few examples are shown here.
    • The results of this investigation is contradictory to [1].
    • Chen & Robert [2] found that…..
    • Similar researches on the same problems are carried out by [1-4, 6].

References List

A list of all cited reference must be provided at the end of main body of paper. The entries in the reference list should be numbered consecutively.

Authors must provide list of references at the end of paper. The references must follow IEEE reference style.


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