hacklink panel hacklink al hacklink hacklink  Submission – ICSDC2023


  1. All respectable authors are advised to read our Author guideline regarding Ethics and Plagiarism policy.
  2. ICSDC only accepts paper written in English. Papers written in any other language would not be entertained.
  3. Submission of abstract/papers should be regarded as a commitment such that, if accepted, at least one author of the paper will try their best to register and attend the conference; otherwise, their contribution will not be published in the proceedings.


Before the submission of an abstract, a self-check helps to save time and exertions of authors and reviewers in review process, and it will also assist in improving the quality of submissions. Therefore, it is suggested to the authors should conduct a careful self-check before submitting a paper to the conference.

Here are few tips for a careful self-check as mentioned below:

  • Please make sure that the paper is relevant with the theme and scope of conference.
  • Please make sure that the quality of English language in the paper should be as per with the standard of international conferences. Please also, check the spellings and style prior to submission in order to avoid misspellings or syntactical errors.
  • Please make sure that all individuals who have contributed substantially into the research have been properly acknowledged.


  • All the prestigious research authors are encouraged to submit the abstract of their research paper comprising of not more than 250 words. Abstract should summarize the paper, outline of goals, results, and conclusion. The abstract should include full mailing address of authors, their affiliation, email, and keywords. There will be a peer review of the abstracts by the experts and the selection of the papers will be based on the recommendation of the expert penal/committee. The main authors of the selected papers will further be asked to submit a full paper for peer review.
  • The submission is realized via the Easy Chair conference page. The submission link is given as https://bit.ly/icsdc2023
  • Make sure that paper abstract must be sent in the given template. You can download the abstract template here. Abstract Template.

Note: If you are using the easy chair system first time, you need to open an account there. Information about Easy Chair is given here.


  1. After our blind peer review process, authors will be notified via email about acceptance/rejection of abstract.
  2. The authors of the selected abstracts would be required to submit their Full Paper for peer review in given template.
  3. Upon acceptance of Full Paper (after peer review), the authors would be required to fill a copyright form.
  4. Authors must comply with the Ethical guidelines related to our Plagiarism policy. Papers exceeding the allowable limit of plagiarism would be rejected.
  5. Only selected papers would be published in HEC Recognized Journal. The conference team would contact corresponding authors of selected papers for further process of publication. The authors may also be requested to submit their revised version (an extended form etc.) of paper as per requirements of the journal.
  6. The conference would charge extra Fees if the paper is selected for publication in HEC recognized journal.


  1. After the successful peer review, each final full text paper along with corresponding signed copyright transfer form is to be submitted directly to conference Secretary via email at icsdc.sec@admin.muet.edu.pk.
  2. When submitting papers for 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Development in Civil Engineering 2023, please submit an original editable file in one of the (.doc, .docx) style files. All figures, images, tables, etc., should be embedded into the original file. Detailed instructions on preparing papers for submission can be found in the ICSDC'23 Template Full Paper and Copyright Transfer Form.
  3. The accepted paper page limits are 5-10 including all figures, tables, references, and appendices.

The formatting guidelines for full paper can be referred from Author Guidelines.

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