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The importance of peer review is to ensure the scientific quality of research papers. All Papers submitted to ICSDC 2023 would be reviewed by dedicated Editors (which includes the Conference Chair, Conference Co-Chair, and Committee Members selected by the Conference Chair) and Scientific and Technical Team/Reviewers in a transparent, unprejudiced, and efficient manner.

Abstracts submitted to ICSDC 2023 will be evaluated by the editorial members before acceptance for presentation at the conference. Moreover, the Abstract would also be forwarded to the Reviewers for verifying the quality of abstract and its relevancy to the conference theme. The Abstract Review Process would be exercised via Easychair. For step by step guide to submit reviews via Easychair can be referred here [Submission guidelines]

The full versions of papers would pass through the Preliminary Check by the Editorial members and later would be forwarded to the Reviewers, following the Double-Blind Peer Review process. This means throughout the review process, both the reviewer and author identities are kept hidden from the reviewers, and vice versa. Before the paper is forwarded to double-blind peer review, the authors' names, affiliations, acknowledgements, and other personal information will be segregated from the main text.

The respected reviewer is responsible for their reviewing advice by offering sufficient, meaningful, and well-founded remarks that may assist the authors in optimizing the article. In addition, the reviewer will most likely be requested by the Program Committee to answer a series of questions about the review. The authors are entitled to response after obtaining the review comments.


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